You Remember

An account of some introductions made at a party

Benjamin Obler
4 min readApr 30, 2021


Hey, Karl. Come on in. Good to see you. Hey, you remember Denise, whose ham salad went viral last year.

You remember Joan, the dental assistant with the really successful autism blog.

You remember Augustine, the former bank president who wears a crooked brown mustache.

You remember Harold, the graphic designer renown for his regular use of neon green in his logos and layouts.

You remember Lyle, the neighbor of that guy from Shreveport who won the lottery last year but then blew it all on boats, each of which he sank in a series of successively more gruesome accidents out on Hanwell Bay.

You remember Dean, the chess player.

I know you remember Vivian, the inventor of that plush toy character that pops out of a top hat that kids were nuts for a while back, the one that explained different inappropriate behaviors and giggled obnoxiously.

You remember Mike, the choreographer who helped with the benefit when Joan had the thing with her ear.

You remember Ryan, I showed you a picture of his leg cast when he was absent from Thanksgiving the time we got snowed in.



Benjamin Obler

Instructor at @GothamWriters, NYC. Ed.-in-Chief of, where fiction is the focus and inspiration is the goal. #Javascotia @PenguinBooks