The Sock Thief of Paris

Benjamin Obler
5 min readMar 29, 2024
Something I asked Microsoft’s Co-Pilot to create.

He hangs by his fingertips, the sock thief who has been making headlines and causing gossip in the seventeenth district — called an arrondissement — of Paris. It is none other than the notorious, ruthless bandit seen nightly scaling the façade of the Musee des Soxes Nationale. Tres simple — he is easy to catch. He hangs here now but the marble is too hard and cold. His chubby-cheeked face gleams skyward as he grasps, still hoping to pursue his…



Benjamin Obler

Instructor at @GothamWriters, NYC. Ed.-in-Chief of, where fiction is the focus and inspiration is the goal. #Javascotia @PenguinBooks