For example, this one.

The Fascinating Face

Benjamin Obler


The face is a fascinating thing. Over thousands of years, through evolutionary necessity, humans have evolved a complex system for conveying emotions through the blunt instrument that is our face. Eyes widen with alarm. The nose curls at the scent of something foul. The face is like a road sign to our experience, broadcasting for commuters to be on the lookout for our abducted feelings, along with a phone number. The face warns drivers of all kinds to raise the plows of their attention. Raise them where?

“To your face, dummy!” the face says, eyes wide with consternation.

See? It’s just like I said.

Actors know these secrets, but why should actors hold the keys the kingdom, when they have so much already? Memorize this list and you’ll hold the Rosetta stone to your wife’s infidelity, or you’ll pick up on your impending dismissal from work before your boss can even spit out the bad news. In short, your life will no longer be shrouded in mystery. You’ll understand perfectly the vile emotions people have been disguising from you for years!

1) Puckering lips means contemplation. The puckerer is deep in thought. It is speculated that this originated when early man ate strange animals and plants to survive. Early man was trying to understand, through the taste buds located just behind his lips, whether or not he would die of poisoning…



Benjamin Obler

Instructor at @GothamWriters, NYC. Ed.-in-Chief of, where fiction is the focus and inspiration is the goal. #Javascotia @PenguinBooks