Benjamin Obler
1 min readApr 17, 2024


Thanks for this, Joe. I'm proud to be first to clap. Came to Medium searching for "NPR Berliner" to see what's out there, poised to compose an open letter to Uri B., identifying myself as exactly one of those liberal leaning former NPR listeners and someone who jumped ship around 2017. I remember tuning in once randomly, around 2020, nostalgic while driving for the many times that All Things Considered kept me company, only to hear the story about the racist bird species naming conventions (which Uri referenced in his Free Press piece). And I caught a highly specious bit of reporting about an African immigrant to Atlanta who'd been highly wronged because the entire bus system didn't change its schedules to accommodate his night shift or something. I was positively dumbfounded. I thought I was in a Twilight Zone episode. Anyway, I'm not a journalist, fiction is my main line with some essays on the side, but my dream is for the Uri B. of the lit world to speak up about its identical breach of trust with readers/book buyers.



Benjamin Obler

Instructor at @GothamWriters, NYC. Ed.-in-Chief of, where fiction is the focus and inspiration is the goal. #Javascotia @PenguinBooks